Hello world, a few time ago I watched this videos of Johan Rockström.
The firts that we need to know is who the hell is Johan Rockström
Who is Johan Rockström?
Johan Rockström is a executive director of the Stockholm Environment Institute and theStockholm Resilience Centre, and teaches natural resource management at Stockholm University.
He is a strategist on how resilience can be built into land regions which are short of water, and has published over 100 papers in fields ranging from practical land and water use to global sustainability. More information in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Rockstr%C3%B6m
In this video, Johan speaks about global change and planetary boundaries.
He says that there are many boundaries that if we exceeded we will have problems to subsist. For example, the climate change, ocean acidification or biodiversity loss.
Every one of this examples can affect the others. How? Is very simple, because all are interconected. This world is a huge net that when one is directly affected, others are indirectly affected.
In this huge net, the humanity is the principal problem because is the cause of the world's changes.
Antonio (soy Javier Cabello el profesor de la asignatura) estas aportaciones están bien. Pero lo que os pedimos es que penséis en una analogía o símil sobre los límites planetarios. Para ello tienes que ver el vídeo de Rockström en TED (si no lo has hecho) y pensar en algún sistema de la vida diaria, o de la naturaleza donde puedas describir un proceso de superación de límites y umbrales. En una entrada del blog de la asignatura que estoy preparando podrás encontrar los links a los blogs de tus compañeros, por si los quieres usar de inspiración.