Winter is coming

Winter is coming
Winter is coming

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Minamata disease

What is Minamata disease?
William Eugene Smith
1972 - Minamata, Japan

Minamata disease is a neurological syndrome caused by mercury poisoning.
In the decade of the 50, in the city of Minamata in Japan was discovered this disease. It was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from the Chisso Corporation's chemical factory, this release continued from 1932 to 1968.

The problem with the methylmercury is the bioaccumuled in the fish and shellfish, and in Japan this is very common.
The death of persons or animals will be ocurred along many years without nobody will take liable. It was and it is one of the worst environmental problems that it have ocurred in the world. This is an example of exceed a boundary in the planet bit by bit.

About planetary boundaries

Hello world, a few time ago I watched this videos of Johan Rockström.


The firts that we need to know is who the hell is Johan Rockström
Who is Johan Rockström? 
Johan Rockström is a executive director of the Stockholm Environment Institute and theStockholm Resilience Centre, and teaches natural resource management at Stockholm University. 
He is a strategist on how resilience can be built into land regions which are short of water, and has published over 100 papers in fields ranging from practical land and water use to global sustainability. More information in

In this video, Johan speaks about global change and planetary boundaries.

He says that there are many boundaries that if we exceeded we will have problems to subsist. For example, the climate change, ocean acidification or biodiversity loss.

Every one of this examples can affect the others. How? Is very simple, because all are interconected. This world is a huge net that when one is directly affected, others are indirectly affected.

In this huge net, the humanity is the principal problem because is the cause of the world's changes.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Hello world

Dear readers,

I am Antonio Jesús Ibáñez García, I have 25 years and currently I live in Budapest. 

Well, I don't know how start. First, I will begin with the physical appearance.
I am tall, thin and I have a crest on the head. My personality is amazing. I am a good person, very funny, always with a smile in the face. I like to help my friends and always I like stay with them and I like talk with them about all things. I am a good cook and I like cook because I love the food and eat. I know do all the housework, and I do very well. 

In occasions, I am a little bad with the people, but it's normal, in many occasions, the people are stupid. I don't like the opinion of some people about some themes in concrete and I like talk about this themes. 
I have two sisters and one brother. I love all of them, but I have different relationship with each one of them. Sometimes it's very difficult have siblings. Your siblings always are with you. It's beautiful to have a person who you know that always he will help you.

My father is a person who it's difficult to describe. It a good person but he has some problems and it's better don't talk about him.

I have many good friends. Now that I am in Budapest, I miss them very much but it's normal, I am in other world here. You meet people all days, you learn many things about all cultures and cities around the world.

And I don't know that I can write. This is all for my dear readers.

Best regards for all.

Five likes and five dislikes

Five likes

  1. The people who accompained me all days to class and the good moments that I passed with them in the bar.
  2. The teachers who teached their subjects with a smile and good jokes, it isn't all the content, it is the way of how you teach.
  3. The weather with the big sun and the hot.
  4. The city with your family, your friends and your beach.
  5. The subjects without problem to convalidate.
Five dislikes

  1. The test because for me it's always the same, you don't learn nothing.
  2. The infraestructure very small but it's normal, it's a small city.
  3. Some teachers with who is imposible talk with them.
  4. The time-table is very early at nine o'clock.
  5. The size because is small when compare with other place.

Explain your reasons for taking this course and your expectations about it

I take this subject because it is interesting to have the knowlegde of the global change in all of his extension. Because without these knowlegde, we are blind about the world's problems.

Other interesting in this course is the posibility to write in english because I am in other country to learn english and it is good for me.

I wait to learn all about the matter of the global change and the problems that humanity cause to the Earth in all his extension.

How is possible that the humanity use the natural resources without impact?. One day, Earth will not have the possibilty to providy all natural resources for the humanity.

What seems to you most interesting or challenging about the course?

I wait to learn all about the global chance. The most interesting is to talk about the global chance, all his problems and his drawbacks.
To know the little things of global change, the why, how and who, I think that this is easy to know but it is not too much because there are a lot of lies behind the global change and a lot of trues hidden.